
This is just your average riddle game, similar to things like NotPron or Polychromasia.

This won't be as long as other puzzles. There will only be 50 levels, with there being 5 per each folder.

However, there's a different purpose for others who obtained this through different ways. It's part of something bigger, although other people can solve it for a different purpose.

To start, please enter "openyourthirdeye" into the URL up top, using "tristans-goober-puzzle.neocities.org/CODEWORD.htm".

Some levels may require researching disturbing pieces of media and could contain spoilers to other media. Some levels may also include flashing lights, to which a different route will be placed in the level before it.

Answers will not contain capitals, spaces, or numbers. If you need help, we have a Discord server. https://discord.gg/aku9CFbGwC

You can view the credits by going to credits.htm, and to view the songs, you can go to music.htm. You can also view other games by going to othergames.htm. Good luck!